Contacting the school when and who?

Just as it is hard to know how to achieve the balance between offering your child too much support (and being accused of fussing) and leaving them to flounder and perhaps fail, it is also hard to achieve the balance between becoming the ‘over-anxious parent’ (on the phone to the school every time your child falls out with a friend or grazes their knee) and letting things go on too long because you don’t want to interfere.
The job is made much easier if you keep talking to your child about how things are at school. You will have a good idea about how the work is going, and your child’s general feelings about school, if you are following some of the suggestions on this site, and this will give you a sound basis for deciding whether your intervention is required or not.
You know your children best, and if any aspect of school life is persistently distressing them it is probably best to err on the side of caution and intervene early. If you have talked to your child, offered reassurance, helped them come up with ways of solving the problem themselves and things still haven’t changed after a couple of weeks, then it is time to speak to the school.
If you do wish to contact the school then the details are as follows:
St Louis Grammar School
151 Newry Road
County Down
BT34 4EU
Tel: 028 4176 2747
Fax: 028 4176 5694