What the pupils say...

"My favourite thing about St Louis is that it is close to my house, it is small and all the teachers are really nice and friendly" - Cormac Hardy 8A
"My first impressions of St Louis was how am I going to find my way around? But if you think of it you will not be using every class and if you get lost ask someone, a pupil or a teacher they are always willing to help and looking back there is now nothing to be afraid off." Maureen McMahon 8a
"The new subjects are fun, such as technology and ICT. I like them beaucse they are different so you don’t do them same old subjects week after week. You can look forward to something new, interesting and fun every day!"
Aoife McQuaid 8D
"The advice I would give to new pupils next year would be to stay calm, get all your homework done and most importantly have fun but don’t mess!" - Padraig Cunningham 8D
"Science is my favourite subject because we do lots of interesting things, we also do practical learning which I love!" - Aaron McKibbin 8D
"My first impression of St Louis was that it was really big and scary! But once I got into it and learned my way around the school it was great! I am so glad I got my place in St Louis!"
Megan Fitzpatrick 8D
"My first impressions of St Louis when I was driving up the avenue was that it was a castle like Hogwarts but with no magic and no goblins!" -Daragh Morgan 8D
"I love in the mornings when you walk past the canteen and you can smell the food, feel the warmth and then I feel like I belong to the big school family!" - Megan O’Boyle 8D
I would advice next years first years to enjoy their time in St Louis, its amazing and you will never regret your choice!"
Eoin McBennett 8D
"My first impressions of St Louis was that it was like another world, bigger and better than before!" - Cormac Keenan 8B
"My first impressions of St Louis was that it was huge with so many pupils, teachers and people! Its way bigger than my last school but that’s good! I would advice the new pupils coming next year to not be afraid on their first day because you don’t have time to think about fear when there is so much to see! Everyone is so friendly!"
Melanie O’Hare
The first time I walked into St Louis inside me there was a spark and I just knew then that St Louis was the school for me! There is a million and one subjects and my favourites are the creative ones like art and Ict as I want to be a designer when I grow up. " - Ellie Clarke
"I would advice the new first years next year to work hard and don’t be scared of the teachers, they really are nice. Don’t be afraid to talk to new people and make new friends, that’s all part of the new experience. - " - Caitlin Trainor
"It seemed very big at first – someone in my primary school told me it looked like a castle and it does, its lovely! The teachers are good and the canteen make lovely food!" -
Jordan Lavery
"It’s a great school, there is lots of great teachers. It is a well organised school. it was very scary at the start but now im getting on just fine!" - Rían Cunningham
"I would advice next year new pupils not to be worried at all! It’s a big new school but the teacher are very kind and the canteen lady and librarian are really cool." - Joseph Flood
"My first impression of St Louis was that I thought, woo this place is massive, theres people walking everywhere! But you soon get used to that and I would advice any new pupils to not be afraid, approach the new opportunity with excitement and make new friends." - Bethany Clarke