Uniform Matters

- Encourage your child to hang up their uniform straight away after school.
- Decide on responsibilities – who irons the shirts, when / who puts them away? etc.
- If your child is very disorganised check items one by one, or give a checklist at first.
- Encourage your child to put everything out (including shoes, socks or tights, and underwear) the night before (there’s much more time in the evening for finding odd socks …..).
- Have a system for making sure that clothes are clean and ready – the earlier children start to take responsibility the better, but whoever does it needs to know ‘the system’.
- If your child regularly loses or forgets essential items, give spares to the form tutor to keep at school (e.g. P.E shorts, tie, trainers).
- If you have a timetable displayed for your child (a good idea) colour the days when your child has P.E. so they can see each day if they need to take their P.E. bag.