Choosing the right course for you
Pupils who meet the full entry requirements will be expected to take 4 AS levels or equivalent in the first year. Alternatively you can choose a more vocational path by studying BTECs / OCR Cambridge Technical or other vocational A Levels and combine these to a maximum of 4 A level equivalents in the first year. One or more A levels may be taken with our partner schools, Kilkeel High School and the SRC. Please take the time to read carefully the requirements for each course.
Post 16 Courses
AS Level: This is a one year linear course composed of two or three units. Most courses are assessed by examination or coursework or a combination of both. This is graded A-E.
A2 level: In the second year you take two or three units and are awarded the full A level which is graded from A*-E.
Linear A Levels: Some A Level subjects are now “linear” in structure, meaning that only the exams taken at the end of the two year specification count towards the final A level grade. For these subjects AS is now a stand alone qualification, worth 40% of full A level and can only be used if pupils exit the subject at end of AS.
However, whether or not pupils remain to complete the full A level, AS exams will be sat at end of AS, to form the basis of evaluating their progress in the subject; also, the content of these exams will be re-sat at the end of A2.
BTEC / Cambridge Technical / AQA Level 3 Certificate: These Level 3 qualifications are mostly coursework based and are graded as Pass / Merit / Distinction / Distinction * which has equivalences to A level grades and UCAS points.
Level 2 / GCSE: Level 2 courses are the GCSEs / BTEC National Firsts / OCR Nationals / Key Skills examinations you may have taken in St Louis or your previous school.
Leavers Destinations 2016-2017
St. Louis 6th Form Entry Requirements
Pupils are expected to achieve 7 A*-C at GCSE.
This should contain a minimum of 3 Bs and 4 Cs
All subjects require pupils to have achieved a grade B in the subject they wish to take at A level, or in a similar subject.
Consideration will be given for pupils who have achieved less than the required grades.
I loved going to St. Louis. The teachers are really helpful and I was given great guidance on which courses to take in university.
Orla, Past Pupil.