Future job opportunities in Northern Ireland
The following areas are extremely important to the Northern Ireland economy:
- ICT / Computing
- creative and digital media
- business and financial services
- advanced manufacturing and engineering
- renewable energies and recycling
- health and life sciences
- agri-food sector
ICT / Computing
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), particularly software development, database development, systems architecture and internet specialist skills, is at the heart of every organisation and is central to our daily lives: mobile communication, computer games, touch screen technology, satellite navigation devices – the list is endless. Many large international IT based companies have chosen Northern Ireland as their base in the UK and these include: Liberty IT, Allstate, First Derivatives, Seagate, Fujitsu, and Concentrix. Northern Ireland is one of the world’s top destinations for financial technology and R&D investment (Invest NI 2017).
Creative and Digital Media
Digital is everywhere and is at the heart of the UK economy, underpinning growth through both the development of new technologies and the provision of services to businesses and consumers. Key market growth areas identified by national and international level research include:
- cloud computing
- mobile technologies
- cross-platform mobile applications
- computer games and digital entertainment
- cyber-security products and services
- green/low carbon IT products
Business and Financial Services
There are seven different industries within the finance, accountancy and financial services sector. Jobs vary from:
- accountants
- bank officials
- underwriters
- insurance and investment brokers
- actuaries and pensions advisers
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
This includes careers requiring CAD skills, CNC machine operatives, mechanical and electrical engineering skills including at technician level and strategic marketing to name but a few.
Renewable Energies and Recycling
European and global agreements on more energy efficient technology are creating demand for new engineering solutions. Mechanical engineers are at the forefront of designing everything from better forms of green energy and zero emission engines to the latest breed of nuclear power stations. It’s a highly skilled profession but has multiple entry routes.
Careers in this sector include:
- mechanical engineers
- research and development managers
- physical scientists
- design and development engineers
- biological scientists and biochemists
Health and Life Sciences
The Health and Life Sciences sector is one of Northern Ireland’s most important sectors. The sector combines all elements of science and technology that contribute to the discovery and development of products for the healthcare and well-being of humans and animals. Northern Ireland companies and universities have experience in delivering innovative research, products and services to global customers in areas such as Precision Medicine, Diagnostics, Connected Health, Clinical Trials and Data Analytics.
Food and drink manufacturing includes the processing of meat and poultry, dairy, fish and shellfish, fruit and vegetables and the production of bakery and drinks products amongst others. Areas of work include bakery, distillery, creamery and ready meals production. Jobs can include:
- laboratory technicians
- food scientists
- biotech
- machine operatives
- butcher
- supply chain manager
Useful Websites
University Application Websites
www.ucas.com - This site allows you to search for courses on the basis of subject, university / college or location. The site also provides links to individual university and college websites.
www.cao.ie - Comprehensive website for searching degrees in ROI and applying online
Exam Board websites
www.ccea.org.uk- Northern Ireland’s Exam Board
www.aqa.org.uk - AQA
www.edexcel.org.uk - Pearson / Edexcel
www.ocr.org.uk - Oxford Cambridge and RSA
General Websites for Career Information and projected job trends
www.investigatecareers.com - Password for St Louis Grammar Students - kangaroo. The site allows you find information about different careers and to research the Labour Market Information and predicted Job trends up to 2022.
www.nidirect.gov.uk/careers - Register on the website and use the Careers A-Z facility to research job information and links between GCSE subject choices and careers. Examine information about the skills in demand in NI.
www.icould.com - Complete the buzz quiz to identify what type of work you maybe suited to. Research different careers and listen to case studies.
www.careersportal.ie - Comprehensive website for searching out degree courses in ROI and researching career options.
Recruitment websites specific to NI jobs
Websites to support development of CV’S and complete job application forms
www.qub.ac.uk - Queen’s University Belfast
www.ulster.ac.uk - The University of Ulster
www.stmarys-belfast.ac.uk - St Mary’s University College Belfast
www.dkit.ie - Dundalk Institute of Technology
www.nui.ie - The National Universities of Ireland website
www.ucd.ie - University College Dublin
www.tcd.ie - Trinity College Dublin
www.ncad.ie - National College of Art and Design
www.dcu.ie - Dublin City University
www.dit.ie - Dublin Institute of Technology
www.ul.ie - The University of Limerick
www.ucc.ie - University College Cork
Regional College
www.src.ac.uk - Southern Regional College
www.serc.ac.uk - South Easter Regional College
www.belfastmet.ac.uk - Belfast Metropolitan
General sites for researching Universities
www.opendays.com - A directory of university and college open days at UCAS universities.
www.thecompleteuniversityguide.com - This site allows you to compare university ratings and investigate subject league tables. It will give a valuable insight into life at a range of UK universities.
www.push.co.uk - A quick and often humorous insight into the different universities
www.unistats.com - This site brings together key sources of official information and is intended to help students compare institutions and subjects.
www.hotcourses.com - A course database with search facilities
www.university.which.co.uk/courses - Support on finding out about a vast range of university degree courses.
www.bestcourse4me.com/explore/ - Support on searching out courses at university and comparing options.
www.topuniversities.com/courses - Course guides and rankings